Friday, September 25, 2009

DC 200

I think if we continue on our present course, DC 200 years from now will be a very different place. 200 years ago we couldn't begin to imagine the technologies we have today and I think the same is true for the next 200 years. If we continue on our present course, where building, consuming and growing is the most important thing on the agenda, then I think we would be hard pressed to find traces of nature in the city, or in any big city. Property values are already so high in DC; so like Kristen, I think this high demand will drive the development of most of the green areas that remain in the city. It's awful to think about considering all the history this city contains, but if current attitudes persist, I think 200 years from now history will be bulldozed for more development. I definitely picture more high rises, more traffic (whether it is from cars or spaceships, I can't say) more concrete, more shopping centers and definitely more people. 
Ideally, in 200 years, thanks to a serious global environmental movement and the implication of some eco-friendly technologies, DC will look even more green and vegetated than it is now. Sustainable buildings will be a staple of the city and even though there will be more people, they will have less of an impact than they do now. In my preferred future, I think there would be definite improved public transportation systems that are super fast and super efficient. I think that, unfortunately, the great divide between rich and poor in DC will still exist due to the location, although in my preferred vision, the divide will be smaller and  the entire city would be equally sustainable and green. 

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