Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's definitely not easy.

I really enjoyed Maniates piece "Going Green? Easy Doesn't Do It". Even before I read the piece, one of my main issues with being environmentally friendly was that there are so many options and ways out there to be green, but for most people, they need an attitude adjustment in order to start practicing these ways. With the advancements in technology and research today, there should be so many things that each American can do to significantly help the environment, but some people are lazy, uneducated or too selfish to change their lifestyles. Maniates really portrays this message in his article by basically saying, going green in a way that actually DOES change the environment and stop global decline is not going to be easy, so we need to stop thinking it will be and just do it. If people changed their attitudes and instead of thinking a change in lifestyle means re-using their coffee cup, they need to realize stopping environmental degradation is a call to action in all aspects of their life.

Although Maniates argument is a little harsh, I really believe someone needs to tell it like it is so that people really get the point. I completely agree with his statement about celebrities and even government organizations tip-toeing around the issue and telling the American people it will be an easy thing. It's true that human nature is to do things that are self-rewarding and relatively easy but it is also true that American culture is one of the hardest working societies in the world. People love to work hard and challenge themselves, so why not apply that sixty hour work week to something that could help your future generations and planet? I think it makes a lot of sense, and by saying being green is east and everyone can do it, is almost a cop out for people who are excited and ready to improve the earth. Mainstream environmentalism makes being green seem like a fad, like a fad diet or the trendy clothes of the season. I think this needs to change and turn into a way of life, not just something celebrities promote and affluent people do to show off their wealth. Maniates was right in saying authors and government organizations are trying to make being green simple and easy for everyone to do, but if we do that, people simplify their "green" practices and think they are doing something great. If people were to tell the public that being green is difficult and tough and will take time, but the benefits are endless and the detriment is deadly, then maybe people would listen and take being green as a challenge.

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